Tips for Student Life

This list is pretty much some of my ideas to make your life at university easier.

  1. If you are like me and love drinking coffee and tea in lectures but don’t have the time (or money) to buy a drink from Starbucks and don’t want to be carrying around a flask all day then buy disposable coffee cups and make your beverage (fabulous word) in the morning before lectures and use the disposable coffee cup, once you are done with your drink simply recycle your empty coffee cup, this saves you money and effort especially when you have a 9am start.
  2. USE YOUR STUDENT DISCOUNT! Whilst 10% off doesn’t seem like a great deal, everything adds up so defiantly whip out your student IDs and unidays app wherever possible and save some dollar.
  3. This one might be one that your parents ingrained into you but make sure you pack your bag the night before your 9am, this means you will get longer in bed as you aren’t wasting time scrambling to find your notebook and pens when you are running late.
  4. Find the cheapest supermarket near you, although the non-branded food doesn’t taste as good (we know this and anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong), the amount of money you can save by simply going to Aldi or Lidl is insane.
  5. Your room is the only space that is 100% yours and not shared, so make it a personal, cozy and calm environment that you will want to spent time in. Decorate with posters, pictures and pillows (ooo alliteration…fancy), and fairy lights are always a must. Also try and keep your room tidy, it honestly makes a huge difference.
  6. Learn some drinking games, this prevents…no reduces awkwardness at house parties and Pres. Here is a lil list of some goodens: Ring of Fire (classic), Jenga, Beer Pong (another classic), Ride the Bus, film drinking games and Around the World, (personally I enjoy anything a little bit chatty or naughty, like never have i ever & most likely to… oo saucyy).
  7. Join a sport or society, when else are you going to get the opportunity to do join a group of people with similar interests so easily, plus you often get benefits from joining. Cheap drinks, HELL YEAHHH!
  8. This is a tip i wish i followed, get plates, bowls, cutlery, ect that are distinguishable and are easily identified, this just makes organisation in the kitchen a lot easier and prevents any misplacements. (also bring a f*ck tonne of mugs, trust me you’ll need them)


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